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The Oceans Hold the Answers 

Climate change is no longer just about sea level rise and severe storms. Mother Nature will be struggling to support human life by the end of the century. We have no choice but to be pro-active. At the very least we can all help raise awareness. The Earth has experienced five mass extinctions before the one we are living through now.   Each so complete a slate-wiping of the evolutionary record, it functioned as a resetting of the planetary clock.  The planetary clock is ticking now and time is running out faster than the IPCC warnings. Don't let Mother Nature dim. Our children and grandchildren need her more than you know.


Save Our Ship

a website dedicated to climate change

Recently there has been a significant shift in the warnings from the scientific community. They have admitted to misjudging the amount of heat absorption by the deep oceans due to lack of data (they had surface data but little deep water data) and consequently, they have underestimated the rate at which global warming will progress.


It's likely their estimates have been off by 60%.  That's right, the deep oceans retained 60% more heat each year than scientists previously had thought." This is a startling discrepancy with immense ramifications. In essence, more heat in the oceans signals that global warming is more advanced than scientists thought. The IPCC did not take this new information into account at the time of their study. So their recommendations are no longer be accurate.


The calcuated reduction in CO2 emissions within a decade will increase by 60%.  This new data is changing the conversation. Can we achieve this?  



Tropical peatlands may contain as much carbon as the amount consumed in nearly a decade of global fossil fuel use, and raging peat fires in Indonesia alone have been estimated in some years to contribute 10 to 40 percent as much greenhouse gas to the atmosphere as all the world’s fossil fuel burning.

The fact that much warming is taking place below the sea surface could make that it gets overlooked. If much of this warming were to get transferred from the Arctic Ocean to the atmosphere over the next few years, then the temperature rise over the next few years could take an even sharper turn upward.
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